LifeLoop.Live provides the capability for organizations to designate roles to individuals as it sees fit for maintaining it's standards, and furthering it's mission. Details of each role's capabilities are available in the 'Roles/Permissions' sub-sections, while a summary is presented here:
Community Owner - Is the primary LifeLoop.Live organization account holder(s) and billing contact with capabilities to designate roles for the other members. They have full access to setting up everything for their LifeLoop Community as well as email or texting the community members. After adding a group they can continue to be the leader of the group, or can make one of the group members the group leader.
Community Member - Can view the information, links, and media files about the organization. The Community Owner can also text or email them. They must still join a group or be made a gorup leader to participate in any of the functions of the groups.
Group Leader - A Group Leader cannot be designated until a group has been created. Group Leaders facilitate one or more groups. They can invite people to join the group, email/text group members, add Zoom meetings, add files to share, etc.
Co-Host - A Co-host is a group member who also has the ability to start a Zoom meeting. When they click on the same meeting link as anyone else it will do a 'Start Meeting' if needed instead of doing a 'Join meeting'
Group Member - A Group Member can participate fully with the group in Zoom meetings, the discussion board, and viewing shared files.
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