LifeLoop.Live member accounts are free for individuals, and are necessary to join a group. Members may be invited by the Group Facilitator to join a group, or the member can request to join a group that they may find of interest. These groups display the membership limit count set by the Group Facilitator on the page as well as how many available spots are open in the group. If the group is full it will display "Full".
There are two ways of joining a group.
1) The first option to join a group is the "Quick Join" option. LifeLoop.Live members can view all Public groups on the LifeLoop.Live homepage. Groups with available spots are displayed with a "+Join" button. Once selected a pop up window will appear with an option to "Cancel" or "Confirm" your request to join. Once "Confirm" is selected a request to join will be sent to the Group Facilitator to accept or deny your request.
2) The second option to join a group is by accessing the group page. Within this group page non-members of the group have the option to email the Group Facilitator for more information about their group, or request to join the group.
*Note - Non-members of groups can not view details of this group for privacy purposes. Current members, meeting times, documents, or discussion boards are not displayed to non-members. After being accepted to the group these features will display for the new member.